Tuesday, September 25, 2007

what i got from observing people

"cut CLASS
not frog people"

how would it feel, if we are to say these to our SURGERY lecturers??? XD XD
i sure feels like trying but sadly, i am not suicidal enough

yes.this was meant to be pointless


ahnali said...


i dont know what to say..


fanfic queen!


deebone said...

hahah fanfic whateverrrr~
but rest assure, i dont,-repeat, i DON'T read smut or fluff fics ok

and admit it,all the fics i asked u to read are funny(and clean),right??and u like it also,right??hehehhehehe

Anonymous said...

yeah and maybe next time i ll trying kicking d frog to d wall

deebone said...

oh,i know which frog u mean hahahahah