Thursday, September 06, 2007

new scans are out and of course i have something to say ^o^

these are taken from October scans on news_jpop


i'll quit obsessing over his fugly hair bcoz as much as i hate the hair i still can't stop spazzing over him ;P
he just look mighty fine in any hairstyle XD

dear yamapi,
for this amazing ability to look good u can go crazy with ur hairstyle for all i care
u can dye it pink, purple(yay!!),do perms or even go bald and i'm sure u will still swoons fangirls worlwide
(tho' i may cry buckets for a day or 2 if u decided to go baldy)
with love,

p/s; love the necklace ^o^


*developed fangirl seizures and die a happy death*


he would be perfect for "FEED THE JE IDOLS" campaign


seriously,i'm out of 'girly tegoshi' jokes.
no kidding.
not that i have 1 in the 1st place *headdesk*


no peace for you, you Shige abuser!!!! XD XD


i think he got a bit of a haircut??
his hair looks shorter
i am a creepy fangirl that are obsessed over Japanese idol hair and can totally noticed even a 1cm difference in their hair length

i hate to ruin this pretty entry with below picture,but i don't want to be traumatized alone
let us all have nightmares together,ne?? *beams tegoshi's style*

please put a bucket in front of u for precaution.

*projectile vomiting*
seriously, i can't quite imagine how they can agree for this

honestly speaking if it were TegoMass i would have accept it because they can actually look cute and innocent and childish and u just can't help but to like it..





Anonymous said...

my kame chan must have been force to take this shot
feels like wanna cry T_T

deebone said...


i bet koki was all "euww gross" after the photoshoot.

i cant.stomach.this.

will have nightmares for the whole week *cries*

Anonymous said...


kame looks like a girl


and tegoshi... you!! that pose!!!!! haish.. no comment..