Monday, September 24, 2007

i don't know why i even bothered with this

a new debuted group announced

10 random?not random? juniors flocked together to form a new group who is actually 2 groups but under 1 group of the same name but not exactly same because it is really 2 groups in 1 group so they actually have 3 names now(yay im confused)that will released 1 CD under retarded name(after all it's johnny's specialty..choosing retarded names- and we have plenty of evidence for that)

don't they realized how difficult it will be to fit 10 people in a photoshoot??
someone's face will get covered by random words on magazines cover

and that Okamoto(who?) will suffer the same fate as Tegoshi (i reckon a total makeover, fast. or at least have a good voice,please). the death threats are pretty hard to ignore. poor kid.

oh,yeah. Toma..T_T (from the way u praised that old man Johnny on vanilla kibun, i really hope he saved the best thing for u)

see?this is why NewS need to unhiatus themselves as now i even talked about the juniors??aa!!what is wrong with me? *pulls hair*


kumak0 said...

say hey to paedo parade..yeay

demo ne d vid clip looks kinda kewL no...tho it looks kinda crowded
but being wrinkle san lets just see aftr 2 yrs if he s gonna break tehm....waaaa i miss uchi...and where d hell is News XD XD

deebone said...

yup..paedo-ness in all its glory muahahaha

when News debuted ppl were saying how kusano was too young*then 15 yrs old* to debut, and now they are debuting 12-years old!!
i feel sorry for the older juniors >.<

there's vidoe clip already??O_o *runs to find it*

i miss uchi too T_T
and NewS..go make some big news,yoro!!!

deebone said...

tora, saw the screencaps of the vids..
somehow i cannot bring my finger to click those link
i feel guilty as they are too young!!! *cries*
seriously, i can handle hikaru an d gang who is around 17 but 12-years old???NOOOOOOOOOOO~~~~~

about how u said that the vid doesnt look crowded..maybe bcoz like half of them are TINY
give them a year or two
the will fill the screen to the brim

ahnali said...

quote"i feel guilty as they are too young!!! *cries*"
the paedo ryuuji who likes yamada ryousuke talks about being innocent?!

aaa.. this is the end of the world~~~~

i have no feelings towards the group.. dont really like the idea of it though.. poor toma! T_T and also a few more other juniors.. taiyou, shoon and all those kiss my ft.. i dont really know them nor listen to their songs.. but i think their fans for sure will think that the senile oji san has done something injustice to the rest of the remaining older boys..

deebone said...

i do have some limits ok
i dont fancy ogling boys half,HALF! my age!! *pulls hair*
why in d world they put hikaru with out-of-diapers-juniors???arghh!!!!

and yayayah's fandom are basically flooded with tears now.they're like 4tops.i feel sorry for them, really.btw,hikaru cried when they announced the grp members.see??he love his grp!!johnny or whoever that is in charge is evil

and a tokyo dome debut concert!!!thats the same level as kattun!!are they THAT popular??idoubt it.even NewS doesnt have a tokyo dome concert!!gah!!!!