Friday, January 25, 2008


why nobody told me there is a WHOLE FREAKING CHAPTER on AIDS in Davidson??

a chapter for AIDS.only.
can't be bother to count the pages,but it look kinda thick.and scary.

and i have like hmm,let see..7826328462846topics not including AIDS yet to read.
and the test is tomorrow today.

my life is wonderful.cry with me.


i'm so dead i can taste it already

(bcoz i find this amusing LOL)
-assessing time of HIV acquisition
amongst the list is: "episodes of unsafe sex in high-risk situation(eg,saunas)"

people have sex in saunas???????
things people do these days!!! *crack up*


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


seee... how sukebe you are.. u even noticed those sorts of things! haish