Tuesday, February 05, 2008

taiyo no namida PV(NEWS version)

finally they released the NEWS version of the PV.
by JE standard (KAT-TUN excluded), it was pretty awesome.
i'm glad they didn't give us crap after 'weeeek'. that one (cheap as it may be) shall remain my favorite for a loooong time XD

NEWS in an abandon town.
not exactly my cup of tea, bcoz my fav NEWS is bouncy,flaily,dorky NEWS. but as long as they look hot, i'm not complaining ^^

why stylist-san,whyyyyy????????

ryo delivered the emo very,very well.
he was not Haruto for the brain. lol

the world dies a little when massu's not smiling.
my heart dies too. T__T

i kept imagining that koyama will break into a grin. stop looking so contently satisfied?loved? in an angst song.
maybe the staff should threaten to disband NEWS to him prior to shooting.
i bet he'll even shed buckets of tears,there'll be no need for the fake rain ;P

massu looks emo-er than koyama.
some smart staff must have been denying him food lol

i feel you, ryopi.

everyone fear the angry!shige! lol
dude need to stop trying too hard XD

look closely and you'll see that it only rains in front and at the back.
they kept yamapi dry, but poor shige got wet.haha

tesshi with dainty fingers. anyone suprised?

they told massu that he can't smile for the whole PV. massu felt sick.

the return of YamaCups. i wonder how many times will they keep bringing it in. XDDDDDD


nananane said...

shige already looks funny.

and you made him looks even funnier.


deebone said...

shige is an unfortunate boy haha

Anonymous said...

i love your comments!
massu without food hehe