Wednesday, October 17, 2007

i survived 6 days without internet

a quick update

it's not too late to wish everyone,

hope u all have a blast ^o^
i know i do~ ^O^ ^O^

i was distracted from all things internet since raya
6 days without internet..i amazed myself lol
family and food>internet?? XD XD

tomorrow we're doing 'open house'
and since we don't have a maid, we're preparing everything by ourselves
so helloooooooo busy day~~

yosh,busy ryuuji signing out~~~
happy hols minna ^o^

p/s; inviting all malay girls of batch come,okay? ^o^


ahnali said...

class start when ah?

ahnali said...

aa tanye org dah.. tomorrow start.. awak ponteng keee?

open house what time?

deebone said...

stoopid email notification
not working ..<

saye pg klass esok laa since my class half day je hehe
commed rocks!!XD XD

dtg la!!!i didnt siang 8083023779273e02ikan n ayam for nothing hookay

from 11am to 11pm~just for my frenz yg busy haha
tapi kalo korg datang kol 1am pon i will still layan XD

ahnali said...


ok.. maybe i'll come after class je kot XD singgah ur house b4 balik ^^

wont have to stay at muar till 4.30 pm tomorrow! yay