Sunday, January 14, 2007


after watching 3 johnny countdowns:0405,0506 n 0607...
i just realised that NewS has NEVER fully celebrate the countdown concerts
(n by fully,i mean participate right until the end) with ALL 8 members


-no one supended yet
-they participate as an 8-members grp just until midnite,bcuz the underage
members can't work past midnight >.<.
hmmm...a boys version of cinderella,much???O_o

-after midnight,only 5 ojisanoverage members remains
*before the invention of Pink Glove

-the retarded underage boys who can't do midnight shift
*ahhh!!!look,ma!!!!we're on TV!!!

*yo!yo!yo!!let show the world how retarded we are!!

*oitt,camera-san!!come closer,yo!!!!
*no need to focus on those ojisan(refering to the other5) on stage!!we're younger,cuter n crazier!!!

*camera-whores on the loose

Countdown 0506:-
-with 6 members only
-tesshi n shige were finally of age to perform after midnight ^o^
-minus the cute drunken master,bcuz he went for a beer [now,where did i heard this b4??]
-and minus the still underage notti
*ryo's message to uchi;
what we heard:-SUKIYANEN!!!
what ryo really want to say:-screw u johnny for suspending uchi!!!!

-newly reinstated NewS with (wtheck) 6-members minus the 2 drunkards trainees
we will wait for ALL 8 members on the next countdown.

"Tego has become a penguin !!!"
"self-centered but without a bad attention!!!"
"Pu San who can never make up his mind!!"
--koyama,u're such the mother of NewS !!!O_ohahahaha



Anonymous said...


i love the first JE countdown
camera whores on the loose indeed!! XD
hugs notti + happyfeettesshi+ shige
they were so kiut!

kumak0 said...

d 1st countdown is definitely my fav
coz u get 2 c uchi & ryo bzly trying 2 perform 4 both grps
more screen time 4 them yeayyy

cant wait 4 dat 2 happen again

ps:-i c alot of underage capping hehehe........

deebone said...

yessss.chou kawaii~~~~
and..ehemmm..since when u want to start hugging notti too??haha

did u noticed that at d start of countdown,they dressed as K8 but at d end of it,they're always dressed as NewS and sits together wif NewS ^o^
--maa..they had to worked twice as hard than anybody else,being in 2 grps

deebone said...
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Anonymous said...

because they are so adorable trying to catch the camera'a attention like tht! LOL

oh ohhh forgot to comment.. koyama's diary chouu hilarious! hahahahahaaa
why are they so kiut??!!
i certainly dont want to go shopping with the "boss" XD

Anonymous said...

good old pics together...

yokatta ne all of them *i really mean 8 not 6* going to perform together again in 1 stage veryyyyyyy soonnnnnnnn...*dancing to the thoughts*

LOL to NEWS no haha =D