Thursday, September 07, 2006


so,kitty gym appeared on SC this month with koyama as the host..
that surely feels weird..

well,after few months i should be able to get over this whole kitty gym thing,deshou?
i mean,some fans did and even supporting them..
apparently for me..NOT

okay, i love yamapi and of coz i wanna support him in whateva thing that he do..
but,to be in a group other than NewS..i just can't

i knew yamapi 1st b4 NewS,
but it seems that sometimes i think
i love News more than Yamapi
gomen to those who have to read this..
it's deppressing,ne..talking 'bout these thing

NewS..gambatte ne on your individual projects
and come back next year stronger than ever!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sometimes i think i love NEWS more too~~^*