Thursday, September 28, 2006


yay~great news minna!!
Pi will be starring in spring's drama Byakkotai!!
it's a story of a samurai,so double yay!!^_^
i love bleach,so i'll have no problem watsoever in loving this drama haha
go samurai!!go yamapi!!^_^
it gonna airs in january,so loking forward to that!!
and also to news' return!!!!
i'm soo happy i feel like jumping rite now^_^

on the other note,
it is a SPRING drama,not FALL
what Pi will be doing this whole fall season?
only posing n doing interviews with magazines??
GYM is over,news is suspended..*sigh*
eats a lot and grow fat most likely

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ZOMG!!! speechless ~~ chouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu extremely ureshiiiiiiiiiiii