Wednesday, December 31, 2008

who are you and what have you done with the real RyuuG?

i went thru my entries of last year and earlier this year

did i change a lot?

when did i become this humor-less, boring person?

where did my fangirling passion gone???

where is ryuuG???????????????

i am not crazy for you...

once upon a time,
in a psychiatry class...

Lecturer: so class, tell me, the phases of sexual response cycle
Male students:
Lecturer:oi! don't answer based on your OWN experiences!!!

i never have enough patience for psychiatry
prove that, even if you live with a bunch of crazy friends, it will not prepare you for the real thing
(and here i thought i have ENOUGH experiences dealing with you guys, hahaha)

mental note:
bring a jacket to class tomorrow. only fat people can stand the blasting cold from that air-con

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

of N, Y, K and N again (now, try reading that, with increasing speed hahah)

1.What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
  • WENT TO JAPAN and everything else that go alongside this heading aka NEWS concert!Aiba Masaki!kacang-san!
seriously, that trip was all that i will remember from this epic 2008 (bias recall har har har.)
oh, Yamapi, when will i see u again? *sigh*

2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
i can ever remember my new year resolution past January. lol
but this year's would be:get a boyfriend (hahhaha)
let see if i can still remember that come February lmao

3. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
better seats in NEWS concert(s) to the point where i can see every single sweats on their faces.

4. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory?
no date, but i remembered the day i cried like a hyenna(exams+hormones+exam results=not a good combination), the eve before NEWS con (homeless us roaming around Sendai wahaha), NEWS con (enduring HOURS of coldness but freaking worth it)

5.What was your biggest achievement of the year?
being myself.

6.What was your biggest failure?
losing N to N
hopefully the 1st N would never find out about this.
or the 2nd N...coz that would be just creepy

and if u are buying it, now, THAT is even more creepy

7.Did you suffer illness or injury?
1 heartbreak, courtesy of an idol, dating a porn
but now, all is well and good ^^

8.What was the best thing you bought?
Calpis (amazing drink. wish they have it here)
oh, and that particular poster i put beside the mirror (hahahha) <--and anyone that uses that mirror are forced to see it EVEYDAY! love it XD

9. Where did most of your money go?
Japan trip excluded, its SHOPPING and MOVIE TICKETS (and most of it were sucky films that i cant even remember what it was about. like "the heartbreak kid", remember? ...yeah,exactly.)
*thnx D for reminding me about that movie haha*

10.What did you get really, really, really excited about?
link them all together and nothing can ever beat that

11.What song/album will always remind you of 2008?
err...NEWS' color (ok, i lied. but i'am an avid fan and extremely biased. so there)

12. Compared to this time last year, are you:
  1. happier or sadder? happier. i am waiting for Johnnys countdown peacefully without rumours that get on my nerves (i cant even remember the rumours now, but it was a nasty one)
  2. thinner or fatter? hopefully thinner. at least my butt is 2 inches smaller!!hahaha
  3. richer or poorer? i am always poor(money-wise at least *sigh*)

13.Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
i think so. gosh, the list are just getting longer which means, i am getting evil-er

14.What was the best book(s) you read?
for this year, it would be 'Twilight'

15.What was your greatest musical discovery?
flumpool! Daigo!! (cute faces are the biggest factor here, lol)
but, of course, NEWS will always be an all time fav <--biased,biased,biased!!! XDDD

16.What did you want and get?
NEWS concert tickets (i ask for favours, beg, then paid and arm and leg for it. i even prepared to buy it off a yakuza. basically, i would do almost ANYTHING for it.)
must be better prepared for the battle, next time!

17.What did you want and not get?

18.What were your favourite films of this year?
The Dark Knight--my fav hero *o*

i cut off whole chunk out of this, coz i am getting lazy. and sleepy. and NOT creative. haha
Neko seems to be doing ALL of it. read hers!!! XDDD

planning ahead


and i shall follow this list.hahaha

but, according to CLEO, it should be:-

but, seriously, one cannot pick a dress before setting the date. that is just absurd.
like, how do you know what size one will be when the time comes? i mean, for all i know, i can be size *cough* ZERO on my big day ;P.

FIND THE GROOM--hah! this is EASY. i just need to hack into Johnnys Jimushou system, download his address, find his house, hunt him down, and drag him to my house.
absolutely no problem, except, well, the dragging part coz last time i check, kidnapping is still illegal. (or is it guy-napping/man-napping? since u know, he is not that small of a kid anymore hahah)

so guys, its 2 years from now.
maybe around Nov, or Dec


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

emergency vampirization

Part 1 :

1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON’T change your clothes, DON’T fix your hair…just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 10 people to do this

Part 2

1.How old are you?
--17 23

2. Are you single?
--single, mingle, available

3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
--when i'm ready, when he's ready

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
--hmm let see..(this gonna be a long list)
a.edward cullen(book version!)
c.kacang aka pinatsu aka JT
e.kirby (lipstick jungle)
f.giri-giri prince

6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
--somewhere with sunlight. i want him to sparkles!!! (and show-off)hahaha

7. Your ideal motif?

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
--this will depend on the groom..
a.Esme's island (or anywhere apart from Italy)
d.errr...Osaka?heck, i dunno!!
e.his studio
f.his castle

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
--6732964 minus 6732664++

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
--simple and private (paparazzi are dangerous creatures *shudders*)

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
--"...till as long as we both shall live...or something?ii ka??" (lol)

12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
--can i ask for ice-cream instead?

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
--simple place with plenty of natural sunlight *giddy giddy*

14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?

15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
--outdoors laa..sunlight, remember??

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom/bride?
--with lots of glitter and sparkly things

17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding?
--our song; which doesn't exist.yet.

18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
--morning!!!late nights make me all drowsy and slurry

19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
--light one.

20. What age do you want to get married?
--before i reach 100

21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
--either a mind-reading vampire or a humble,sexy pop idol or a tall cardiologist or another pop idol or struggling artist with super HOT body or a cute medical student (what can i say, i'm flexible bebeh..haha)

22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
--hunting.normal will do ;)

23. Champagne or red wine?
--blood sirap

24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?

25. Money or household item?
--mercedes guardian??..if not possible, i accept cash too.

26. Who will pay for the bills?
--HIM!!*coughcough* i mean, we will split the bill...

27. Are you ready for married life?
--heck,no.but i can be when the time comes

29. Will you always be true to your wife/husband?
--yes.hope so.yes.

30. How many kids do you like?
--max =6

31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
--new one,please. who knows what else come the the old house.uuuuuuuu

32. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
--what's after diamond??

33. What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
--blood for the vampires, yakiniku for the sexy pop idol, peanuts for kacang....

34. Will you record your honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
--pendrive.everyone can just copy from that (cheapskate lol)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Life sucks, and then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky."

Alice: "No one will dare to call you plain when I'm through with you."
Bella: "Only because they're afraid you'll suck their blood."

seriously, mellow much???

don't get me wrong, i LOVE the book. adore it, even. things ended...i think we can afford to spill a few bad blood(or burn bodies).
Jane! Alec! Demetri!!(Irina doesn't count here)
i can't believe i read thru all the tension..for nothing.
so frustrating.
but, maybe its just me.
maybe its just my violent-mood now.
let's hope she's saving them up for future use.

enjoyed every minute of it.

and finally, someone get to be a vampire.yeayyy.haha

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"We're a bit sensitive to blood around here. I'm sure you can understand that." — Bella Swan

"But if you bring her back damaged again-and I don't care who's fault it is; I don't care if she merely trips, of if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head - if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand now mongrel?"
-Edward Cullen-

love it.hate it.hate it.hate it.

love it coz of Edward Cullen(duh) and Alice.
hate it coz Bella can't freaking make up her mind.indecisive brat, i'd say.

love it.


i think i'm getting obsessed about this whole i-love-vampire and how-easy-my-life-would-be-if-i'm-one

just plain crazy vampire loving mood

good news is...
it give me something else to do while my favorite boyband go MIA, plus i get to annoy my frenz(yeay!!!)

bad news is...
my obsession.....they tend to stay for a long time

Sunday, November 23, 2008

“So you’re the vampire girl.”

didn't shed a tear( bad break-ups don't do that to me) but it was still a darn good heart wrenching story

and i realized that, broken heart and stuffs can significantly change your waistline


corn with butter.lots of.

corn with mayo AND butter.

but at least it was yummy *shrugs*

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"So the lion fell in love with the lamb,"

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...," He murmured.

"What a stupid lamb, " I sighed.

"What a sick, masochistic lion."

its pretty cool to dream about super cool(you can take it literally too!haha) vampires afterwards.
i mean, falling in love with a book character?
totally normal,i say.

definitely normal.


and did i mention vampires??

Saturday, November 08, 2008

hey, look!!!!but......where's Yamapi???

i was *coughcough* thinking of doing the same thing,
but looks like someone beats me to it!!

saturday blues

nothing interesting happened.


why, life,why?????????

why can't i find....say, something that require my full attention(fandom do not count), during this superbly short free time that i have???

something with a face??and personality???

hahaha.ok. internal theater in full force. *cough*

i'm so bored that i think i can now officially call internet and food as my best-est friends. lol

sitting on my butt all day with food as my constant companion?? not a good combination,i must say.

the good thing is, i'll gain my usual size-ass back in no time!!!yeayyy

but the bad thing is, fat goes elsewhere too!!to places that i DON'T want.


Friday, November 07, 2008

"kocchi muite yo CHERRII........"

lately i've been downloading lots of clips.

random clips.

still Johnnys-related but of random groups that are not even in my 'fangirling' list.

like V6 ones.and SMAP.and HeySayJump. *yeah i know, i know*

and add it up with my usual dose of K8,KAT-TUN, and Arashi clips that i sometimes download when it interest me.

no need to mention NEWS.that's a given.

i LOVEEEEEE "K8's Musekinin Hero". the 1st time it attracted my attention was when i saw the promotion at 1 of the train station. Harajuku??Shibuya?? can't remember. but they had this whole 'Vote For Me' kinda thing going on and i think it's cool. really nice concept. and catchy tunes.

and another one;
"kocchi muite yo CHERRII
socchi jaa nai CHERRII
itsudemo negai wa todokanai"
--someone get this song out of my head.PLEASE. coz everytime i hear it in my mind, i get to see yamada's face winking at me(like the 1 he did everytime they perform this song). DO NOT WANT. he is 14!!

songs preview from the album 'color' are out.
but i shall practice self restrain and wait until the whole album is release.
what can i say? i like my songs full and in HQ ;P

someone reported that yamapi's solo song "MOLA" is fully in english????
wth, man.
can someone whack jin's head for me??
i love you, Pi, but if your English pronunciation is as bad as it was in Kurosagi movie, i'm gonna have to choke a bitch.
Japanese is a beautiful language. embrace it, kacangssss.

"kocchi muite yo CHERRII."

Thursday, November 06, 2008

post-Japan trip (6 days later)

today i woke up and decided not to be such a lazy bum and update this blog.
but then again, i don't have anything to write, now that i'm back home and nothing particularly interesting happens to me HERE (as compared to you, know...Tokyo <--sooo kacang!!haha)

it's been 6 days since i'm back and all i ever did:
  • unpacking,
  • procrastinating,
  • updating facebook(i'm active now!!!yeayy!!haha),
  • marathoning movies on my bro's comp,
  • writing a report for B sensei (i managed to write 1 sentence so far..since MONDAY. yuuhuuu!!)
  • and...thats it.haha.

now, things i have achieved in Japan:
  1. NEWS concert--gotta put this on top of the list!!!hahaha. will certainly go again.just a question of time and money ;P
  2. meet Johnny's boy: Aiba Masaki (Arashi)--he is tall and good looking(with perm hair!!but still looking good ;D) and veryyyy nice. he said 'arigatogozaimashta' to me even tho' i did nothing, just standing there looking star-struck lol. hope your stomach is getting better ;)
  3. Johnny's boy sighting : Yamada Ryosuke (HSJ)--credit to Mag. she noticed him first. and he need to learn to be less obvious in public lol
  4. Johnnys Shop--it was embarrassing experience, but heyyy it probably was my first and only chance ;P
  5. have crushes on so many people at once: kacang, u-know(look-alike), giri2 prince, boyfren, lastfren, 1 of my OnG groupmate whose name escaped me, and....yeah.that's it. 6 people!!!wow.
  6. eating lots and lots of oishii food!!crepes, soba,the REAL sushi, the REAL takoyaki, okonomiyaki, sashimi, unagi, etc etc etc
  7. karaoke!!!purikura!!!!!
  8. and...scrubbing in and assisted in surgeries.

it was so hard to leave Japan when we've grown attached to it, and it did take all of our willpower to actually say our goodbyes(hate saying it.HATE it!!) and packed up.

have i mentioned that we nearly miss the flight back home??our flight was at 130pm and we arrived at the airport at 1.00pm. and the check-in counter already closed (macam x kasik kitorg balik jek haha). but the staffs were nice and let us in anyway and we did a freaking 'amazing gdhsdshdshd race' around Narita Airport. me with a pouch, a bag of laptop+other junks and A HEAVY BAG FULL OF POSTERS, UCHIWAS, CALENDER, CONCERT GOODS and OTHER STUPID JOHNNYS STUFFS (stupid, but precious ;P)

see?my stupid but precious stuffs.haha

jaaa...i need to get back to my 1 sentence report and make it longer. maybe i can stretch it to become 5 sentences by the end of today haha.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

a quick update about NEWS con


the whole thing was amazing

the stage

the venue

the fans

the songs

the boys(of course)

and you wont believe how GOOD LOOKING they all are in real life

in order of handsome-ness;
Yamapi-even with that bag of worms on his head he still manage to look really kakkoi (dun believe the pictures, it didn't do him justice)
Ryo-Sousuke at his best
Shige-yes, Shige is the 3rd most handsome among them.tho' he tend to make stupid faces, he is really good looking.darn.and he looked at us a LOT.teeeheeee
Tegoshi-he is neither girly nor pretty.just handsome

Massu-he is on a class of his own. a CUTE one haha.everything about him radiates the cute aura.totally adorable *pinch pinch*

Koyama-he look exactly the same from the photos haha.

they tried to make it like a party and imust say, i worked quite well.just, maybe it felt more like a hostess club thingy?haha.the stage was awesome.and since the venue was small, we can see them quite well even tho' we were on the far end.

they sang 'why'--my favourite B-side song everrr.they had this pool table and stuffs and it look cool.

'Ginza Rhapsody' moves there, Yamapi.glad to know you have a lot more dancing moves apart from twirling and shaking booties lol. and the transition thing he did with Koyama was cool.

'Masuperman' was so cute with the comic strip video on the background.masuperman and veggies and just...LOL.he seemed to enjoyed it very much too.

Shige's solo--forgot what's it called.(as expected,haha).it was nice. he just need to stop making the stupid certainly didn't make him any less dorky.haha

and it was so much fun when fans sang and danced together to the song. awesome.



sorry for taking such a long time to make this shitty report.obviously i'm sucky at doing this haha.whatever impression you get from this, please note that it was much more interesting and fun and just pure joy multiplies by 197382638237283y6.

ok, need to get back to writing real reports on boring stuffs.LOL

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

my 'D'you Wanna Grab Some Coffee' story

date:22th October 2008
time: 11.30am
place: QQ's staff room of J Hospital

*me happily chatting away over Ym*
*JT approached*

JT:"d'you wanna grab some coffee?"
me:"eh???errr..errr,,aaaaa,,no thanx"
JT:"what?no,no,no come on!!"
me:" i'm fine."
JT:"come on! let's have some coffee"
me: *defenses all crumbled* "ok!!!"

that was probably the best caramel frapuccino ever

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

alone in QQ staffs' room

btw, QQ=Accident and Emergency aka the greatest place in the whole wide world to do electives especially in you are a 'gaijin' hahaha

we just finished the morning conference (with complimentary breakfast of delicious onigiris ;P) presented by Dr.'JT' and Dr.'u-know-look-alike' and another young doctor that we dont have a nickname for him (yet). since my schedule for today is "chu-kin" (that's 15:00 till 22:00 shift) i'm free until 3pm

and i dont have any fricking idea of what to do

i wanted to ask 'bf' to go somewhere with me but unfortunately he is on shift now
('bf' is this 1 guy on our group that treat me like a gf,so....yeah.hahha)

yesterday, i did my "nikk-kin"(7:00-18:00) with Dr.'long,matted eyelashes' and 'classic japanese boy'. they are nice (of course) but there are limits on how long can i stand without uttering or hearing a single english word AND doing nothing (except anticipating the once-in-a-while sightings of Dr.'last friend'-SUPER CUTE ok this guy).

by the end of the shift i already disgrunted and stressed and basically ready to throw tantrums. thank God the 'tall,handball kid' and Kato-kun(no, nurul.NOT that Kato ;P) came and save the(my) day haha.

after the shift ended we met Lingbo and Taka-kun!!!
had a meal in Shinjuku (super nice and super expensive too) but of course, we gaijins are only allowed to pay a small portion of the bills [goshiso sama deshta-]
we catch up with each other lives,called Takeshi in between meals and forced him to come(haha),gave Taka-kun tips on his upcoming first date, gossiping about a scandal we witnessed first-hands(paparazzi alert hohoho), fangirling about Dr.'JT',eat chicken for the fisrt time since coming here (sugoku oichii!!), eat lots, laugh lots and basically just being noisy haha

i never expected to have this much fun with people we met only for a few hours 7 MONTHS ago, but we did.

i'm glad i saved money for this trip
it was worth it

Sunday, October 19, 2008

we saw......

Yamada Ryosuke
Nishuchi Mariya (aka Chika in seigi no mikata)!!!


all thanx to Mari, TokyoDome City, takoyaki place and Hana's slow eating


Thursday, October 09, 2008

J hosp=awesome


J Hosp is awesome.

super best-ness

rugi aa korang x datang sini.hahahhaha

there u go,nurul.more than 1


p/s: SMAP come here for check ups,ok!


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008



currently in Japan and loving it


Monday, September 22, 2008





xam not over yet and i already dreading the results


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Friday, September 05, 2008

panic at the college gate

exam will be on next Monday

no pressure!

it's just Japan trip at stake!!


*freaking out*

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008


i hope you get well soon
and be clean, strong,productive

with love,

Friday, August 29, 2008

i crave....


30...30days more????????

at the exact same date,

next month






*big gaps bcoz i can XD*

Monday, August 25, 2008

to the birthday-nyonya

no matter how old(you) or young (me!! ^^) we are,
to be able to spend times like a bunch of 5-years old...
is priceless.

no matter how crazy(you!) or sane(yours truly),
i will always admit that i'm your friend.

you are too gullible,too innocent
with lack of fighting spirit.
but its okay.
it makes you cute.

just don't let other people bully you.

except me.

i'm nice.
and you know it.

*controversial picture*

p/s:i swear i am straight

happy 2*coughcoughcough* birthday!!!

i bet when yamapi was a child, he wanted to be Son Goku

and i bet he still wants it now

maybe it became true?? XDDD

but bezita as tegoshi???
that is hardly appropriate, fandom. LOL

and trunks as shige is...amusing. XD
since trunks,like shige, is kinda cool-looking on the outside, but a total laugh-worthy failure inside. ^o^

an original version for ermm..reference XD

i love it when my fandoms collide like this

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

dedicated to nurul,with love^^

guess where ryo put shige's uchiwa

no, really

guess it

close to his body part
and its not his heart


Sunday, July 13, 2008

this is still considered as an update,demmit

adillah comel: prease to update my blog for meeeee
shige busuk: aaa i am on the verge of insanity for commed pbl
shige busuk: aaaa lecehhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shige busuk: yah u should update
shige busuk: bonk u
shige busuk: long time already
adillah comel: i knowwwwwww
adillah comel: but but but
adillah comel: SUPER LAZY
adillah comel: omg i hate my own blog?
adillah comel: *facepalm*
shige busuk: do my pbl
shige busuk: i'll gladly blog for u
adillah comel: does it involve slides?
adillah comel: what topic?
shige busuk: laws on occupational health.
shige busuk: yup sooooo slides
adillah comel: what?
shige busuk: hahah
adillah comel: then DUN WANT AH
shige busuk: maybe u can blog
shige busuk: about
shige busuk: happy belated birthday shige
shige busuk: heheh
adillah comel: DUN WANNNNNNNN
shige busuk: off course if u ever do that pun
shige busuk: ill be expectiing NONE
shige busuk: or another sarcastic material
shige busuk: and then ill go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
adillah comel: hahahhahaha
shige busuk: haha
adillah comel: u know me too well
adillah comel: oh.shige
adillah comel: im sure u and other 30 fans of his already flooded the internet with bday wishes
adillah comel:
shige busuk: *rolls eye*
shige busuk: see
shige busuk: this is what i mean
adillah comel: what.WHAT HV I DONE.
adillah comel: *cries*
shige busuk: see this is another thing i meant too
shige busuk: hahahaha
adillah comel: ahahahha

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

it's not like i deny it

okay, so let get this out


studious, kiasu, whatever you want to call it
i got it the 1st 100 times or so

maybe because:
a)finals are just around the corner and i am freaking incompetent to sit for it
b)i want to pass
c)and go for elective(109 days to go)
d)and become a doctor that will not KILL people
e)or maybe Dr.V just scare the freaking hell out of me!

either way,

no need to rub it off every time you all see me with a book
i'm already stressed enough as it is

written during my stress out mode
and i will probably regret this in a few hours,tomorrow,next week,or my whole life
just so you all know
(bcoz i am biased,yes)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

push 10 ml of epi,stat!

yamapi as a doctor

*keysmash* (in an extremely composed way, of course)

i see atrial fibrillation coming my way next drama season

i should stop wishing that every doctor in hospitals are as good looking as him.
coz really, that is just NOT possible *sigh*
(but if there are, you know, that fine looking doctors, i would totally NOT dread going to hospital every freaking day) at least he can make clinics with scaryDr.V bearable

btw, if he is a medical student with Dr.L as the lecturer, that hair wouldn't last a minute.haha

to producers/director of CodeBlue:
Jikei Hospital is a good location for shooting.
from the-one-who-will-be-there.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And the wrongdoers shall stick together

dr. tata(young<--haha!!) :why were you absent from my class yesterday?
me : because it was boring.....duh.

sadly, i'm not that courageous.(or rude).haha.

the absentees will meet her tomorrow.
wish me luck??

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

already 23???

wow...who would have guessed it~!!!

(btw, that is a compliment *evil laugh*)


Monday, May 05, 2008



patient in sitting position on the bed

we were holding tuning forks and tendon hammer

came someone, and asked: "are you guys doing abdominal examination?"

exam week.
very,very VERY easily irritated.

don't push it.


Friday, May 02, 2008

*in denial*


i can't believe we just had that conversation

consider yourself very, very very lucky


Thursday, May 01, 2008


since they guested in Hey3x with NEWS i thought i checked out their new PV

great decision for the ROFL factor

-whose idea was it to multiply the members? now everyone will be too confused to match the names with faces.ha~!
-chinen is cute but damn,his voice is annoying
-someone just stole the budget for their PV and gave it to KAT-TUN
-shoot that Okamoto kid, please
-it's not that hard to make cracktastic PV in a single small room with no/minimal props. learn from NEWS,kids.

tomorrow will be another long day of lecture.

4 days till End Posting Test.
i need a miracle.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

mirror,mirror on the wall.who is the prettiest of them all

showed NEWS' Summer Time PV to a friend, S, yesterday
it's been a while since we met, and of course she remain blissfully unaware of this disease, Newsitis i'm currently suffering lol

and she never heard or know about NEWS before yesterday, so her opinion is as un-biased as it can be

*played Summer Time PV*

me:what do you think?
me:*prod harder* come on, what do u think???
S:what is this gay boyband shit?
me:but, at least they are good looking?righttt???
S:well, yeah....
me: YESS!!!!!!!! *victory dance*


then, i forced her to choose the most GOOD LOOKING of them 6(note that i choose the word 'good looking' and not 'handsome' or else Ryo will win hands down XDDD)

me:so,who is the most GOOD LOOKING of them all??
S:.......they all are girly
me:it's normal for them Japanese
me:so who??who??who is the most GOOD LOOKING?? *very persistent LOL*
S:well...the YELLOW one *points to Yamapi*
me:yattaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!! *punch air*
S: and, and maybe the pink one. *points to Tegoshi* he can be a really pretty girl

i get my happiness from small, small things like this.
life is beautiful ^^

Saturday, April 26, 2008

yes, drop that shit,Jin

Jin's solo song

this is EPIC

Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA

now,come the question of the century
never mind that the century is only 8 years old *snort*

in which LANGUAGE did Jin sing this song:-
a.Japanese desu
b.dawg,its English,yo
c.there's a lyric in it?hell, i only heard breath sounds!!!


6months clubbing in LA.
time well spent,dude.

EDIT: "lovejuice" big pervert.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


lovely.lovely PV

if it wasn't for the defective screencap maker, i would have join other dedicated NEWS fans in our mission to flood the internet with NEWS amazingness. such luck.

what a boring post this is,eh?no eye-candy??

but,oh wait.

nobody told me i can't steal from the internet


BEWARE.psycho ryo on the loose

well,nobody expect much from JEngrish,anyway...

i see no one missing......

that was the fakest egg i ever seen

shortie need his milk lol

.... u know i have to include this one,somehow ^o^


Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Flying Judo-man



there were still hint of JE!WALK and JE!RUN (read:sissy) but, but his acting IMPROVED



Saturday, April 12, 2008


RyuuG on the end of self-induced 6 days hiatus by a 21 minutes drive home

to survived without internet on an important week....
aren't you proud of my self-control?? hahaha

to that person,
Happy 23rd Birthday!!!!
glad you are older than me!!!^^
unlike certain ppl who are clearly pedosssss lol

i went through 6368263286428pic spams only to found that i have 98% of the pics posted

Saturday, March 22, 2008

that abusive person..i like


i keep watching it for that fleeting second of abusive Ryo hitting Masami

and that part where he just stood so emotionless among the artistically-positioned curtains that flutters so beautifully when the wind blows......

dear Ryo,

you may play the most hateful character of all,
but still, my heart goes for you

p/s:please to have more that 5minutes of screentime for each episode this time around,ne

with love/hate emotions,

Friday, March 21, 2008

koko ni iru yo~

i rarely venture outside my world of Japanese Boyband bcoz as you all may fully aware, i am extremely biased person who like her idols good looking

but then again, once in a while i do search for other type of music and damnit, its GOOD

like, really, REALLY good
its been on loop for the past hour or so
i choose to listen to this than watching the finale of 1 Pound Gospel (the 1st half of this series is great, but why must it suck halfway????)
i love it and i demand hope you will too

and no, this is NOT another boyband song.
suprised, much??hahahaha *cough*

now, be a darling and listen to it, yes/yes?? ^o^

Koko ni iru yo- SoulJa feat. Thelma Aoyama
koko ni iru yo-sou...

"Baby boy watashi wa koko ni iruyo doko mo ikazu ni matteruyo
You know that I love you dakara koso shinpai shinakute iin dayo
donna ni tooku ni itemo kawaranaiyo kono kokoro
iitai koto wakaru desho?
anata no koto matteruyo"


L Change The WorLd

i was wrong about the last post
not, Death Note, no no no...apparently Japan is still very possessive of it :P
and i, being the failure that i usually am, don't even realize the existent of this movie haha
but anyway! L Change The WorLd!!!

trailer, anyone??

i'm super exciteddddddddddd ^O^

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

coming to cinema near me, 3rd April

can i say, freaking finally?? haha
owh Death Note, how awesome it would be to finally watch it on the big screen
tho' i must say, the downloaded versions are not bad either *get bricked*

lets forget that it was released centuries ago
i'm gonna pretend i just know about it lol

besides, if they can show Death Note here,
there are hope for KUROSAGI too, right??
sometime next year,maybe?? or is it too soon to ask?? ;P

Kurosagi, matte masssss~~~

Sunday, March 16, 2008

i've been missing some serious smexiness.


and 1 dork with super tight pants. lol

owh, and another (cute ^^) dork with Mc Donald's white. haa

lately( as in starting weekssss back) i haven't really been saving all those magazines scans.
maybe its because Vendy stopped scanning them.
or maybe i was just lazy.
i didn't even save those 738263283253 smexy Kurosagi scans *gasp* (yeah, crazy, i knowwww)
WTH is wrong with me???

but then, i saw the pic above and suddenly i seen the errors of my way. haha

leecher, i shall again become.
yoroshiku~~~~!!! ^^

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i miss bullying kitsune~~

1.unpack (owh, stuff i packed for 5 wedding ceremonies.dies DX)

2.have a normal breakfast and lunch and dinner. God, i will so NOT live in can get diabetic in no time

3.Koya Shige battle every Wednesday at 10 starting April. hahaha. WTH just download both lol

4.a law student playing an egoistical,ambitious, intelligent lawyer. basically playing himself. not much acting talent needed, eh?lmao.
owh, Kitsune,told you Shige looks 34.thats why he got that role XDDDDD

5.catching up with dramas (bara no hanaya, honey and clover, 1 pound no fukuin) i am so behind. T_T *curse all the exams that took over my life*

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

congrats newlyweds!! ^^

didedikasikan kepada pengantin2 baru:

Nikki and Miji,
Yaa and Hazwan

CONGRATS!!! *throws confetti*

sile nyanyi dgn penuh perasaan ^o^

*modified version of 'pagi yang gelap' from Hujan*
"kawan yg bujang
kini sudah kawen
kami yang bujang
masih lagi bujaaaaaaaaaaang
bilakah kami akan kaaaweeeeeeeennn~~~"

single girlsssss


Saturday, March 08, 2008

finally, HOLIDAYS!!!!!! ^^


after a looooooooong hiatus, i will be taking another one! lol
but, of course, this time around will be for a more fun reason ^o^
Kelantan, here i comeeeeeeeeee ^^

so, holidays=no internet=no JE. SOB. so sad.
aaa~ but i have endured 8 days without internet before, so 4 days will be a piece of cake. i hope. lol

hopefully, NEWS wouldn't do anything earth-shattering while i'm away.
haha as if things like that ever wait for me lol
Yamapi going bald
or Tego broke his vocal cord
or Massu decided to go on a diet
or Koyama quitting NEWS
or Shige stripping on national TV. oh, wait.this actually happened. XD
or Ryo...i dont know what earth shattering things can Ryo do haha but i'm sure you all can think of something

aa~i'm running late!!!

Monday, March 03, 2008

a small skill, a bigger result

*inspired by Mag*
check out the countdown box on the side bar!^o^
209 days more!!!
and the formal letter is on its way
aa~more reason to work hard and NOT slack off!!

i know something good will come out of that little 'fight' i had with Chip during class
plus my annoyed face and not-so-nice-way of answering questions
now, NO one will bother/ask questions while i'm presenting
blessing~~~ ^^

tomorrow is OPD with Dr.K
study or be send out!!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

dead tired

i just want to sleep all day without ever worrying about studies and unfinished presentations and exams and dr.kamala

i'm falling apart

Thursday, February 07, 2008

5 reasons why shige looked angry in Taiyo no Namida PV

this may be his best angsty!shige-turned-angry!shige face but he might as well make a clown expression for i lol'd every time XDDDDD

but, A+ for effort?hahahahhaha


stylist-san thought all of NEWS wears the same pants size.(well, they are Johnnys after all.they should be skinny by default)
stylist-san thought wrong.
shige has a big butt.

set designer-san poured fake rain in front and at the back of the group.
they wanted to keep Johnny Golden Boy(aka yamapi) dry, but someone need to be sacrificed(aka get wet) at the back.
they decided that someone must be shige.

there were fake rain pouring over shige.
he was wearing a white pants.
over his 'i am cherry boy' underwear.

shige thought that NEWS' costumes are too ordinary.
shige wanted fedora,furs,sequins and overflowing coats.maybe even a couple of oversized feathers for good measure.
stylist-san said:"but,you are not KAT-TUN!!!"

shige swore to never again watch KAT-TUN's LIPS PV before shooting.

CDJapan official site didn't know who Kato Shigeaki is. poor guy. [credit]


ryuuG is traumatizedddddddd

nobody shall talk to me about that yamapi photoshot in ANAN magazine, ok

i prefer him with clothes now, thank you very much.

and with people of the same species as he is.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

taiyo no namida PV(NEWS version)

finally they released the NEWS version of the PV.
by JE standard (KAT-TUN excluded), it was pretty awesome.
i'm glad they didn't give us crap after 'weeeek'. that one (cheap as it may be) shall remain my favorite for a loooong time XD

NEWS in an abandon town.
not exactly my cup of tea, bcoz my fav NEWS is bouncy,flaily,dorky NEWS. but as long as they look hot, i'm not complaining ^^

why stylist-san,whyyyyy????????

ryo delivered the emo very,very well.
he was not Haruto for the brain. lol

the world dies a little when massu's not smiling.
my heart dies too. T__T

i kept imagining that koyama will break into a grin. stop looking so contently satisfied?loved? in an angst song.
maybe the staff should threaten to disband NEWS to him prior to shooting.
i bet he'll even shed buckets of tears,there'll be no need for the fake rain ;P

massu looks emo-er than koyama.
some smart staff must have been denying him food lol

i feel you, ryopi.

everyone fear the angry!shige! lol
dude need to stop trying too hard XD

look closely and you'll see that it only rains in front and at the back.
they kept yamapi dry, but poor shige got wet.haha

tesshi with dainty fingers. anyone suprised?

they told massu that he can't smile for the whole PV. massu felt sick.

the return of YamaCups. i wonder how many times will they keep bringing it in. XDDDDDD