Monday, December 17, 2007

you are an internist (cuz you got nothing better to do) XD

from tora, the aspiring surgeon ^^

The medical specialty for you is.... Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is better than any of the specialties. When a patient comes in for a check-up, you can send them home with a clean bill of health. And when a patient comes in with high blood pressure, you can prescribe one of a wide variety of drugs, including beta-blockers, diuretics, and ACE inhibitors. And when a patient comes in with some other problem, you will be able to refer them to one of a long list of your colleagues.

To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:

What Medical Specialty Is For You?

okay, that's so LOL

basically, what they're trying to say is i will be useless.



Anonymous said...



so dats waht they do othr than make us stand for so long and complain about our history and examination..


deebone said...

to dr.tora,future pediatrician~

haha so true, the reasons why they have sooo much time to screw us

when i become an internist myself i shall put my extremely ample time to good use..wahaha

and u, my dear...
good luck dealing with those screaming ungrateful monsters hahaha