Sunday, August 05, 2007

22 sai no haha

just got back from stf9802 mini-gathering!!!!!

aaaa~most of them i haven't seen since we finished school..

a chance to meet and catch up was priceless

to bad it's only for a short while since everybody was "we're-too-busy-with-finals-aaarrghhh-next-time-we-must-definitely-
heeshhh.when will the next time be,guys??huhuhu

and in 5 years, a LOT have change :D

some already working,got engaged,married [yay to Chat for getting married this month!!!;D],
and..........................the 1st one of us to ever got married have a child already!!!!

presenting you......
jeng jeng jeng....

Shige jr!!!!!!!!!! :p
Syafea Ulfah!!!!!!

XD XD XD...that mowhawk hair seriously reminds me of shige..hehehe
she's one brilliant kid,this one.just like shige her mom LOL
and oh-my-god so cute!!!! *pinchpinchpinch*

the 22 sai no haha with her bundle of joy ^o^

can't wait to have yamapi jr(s) hahahhahhahahha



ahnali said...

delusion of love!

waaa.. mecha mecha kawaiii *^o^*
wahahaha.. mohawk hairstyle XD

Anonymous said...

Sedeynya xdapat join futsal sama:(