Thursday, February 08, 2007

they can't look sexy n innocent at the same time.or can they??


sexy NewS' photo on
TV Guide

yamapi was the most COVERED among them?!?!?!?!?!

someone tell me i'm NOT seeing things.


can't post the pic here.too dangerous for me


asha/chibi/skebe/ecah said...

honestly, i was surprised too... since when did he decide to cover himself up for the photoshoots? huhu.. maybe to much talk bout his moobies are driving him crazy kot... demo, i want sekushi pi with moobies!!! wahaha...

deebone said...

haa!!asha sukebe!!!!
that pic srsly tempting..
aa weak heart goes dokidoki hahhaaha

aaa maybe bcuz the moobies are only for my eyes??
*runs XD

Anonymous said...

oooooo ni keje korang...ishk ishk ishk...hahaha

it will sound normal if it comes from adie but...erkk asha... uwaa shockuuu...hahaha~~

i love massu's pose...kawaiii~~

deebone said...

hei!!what's dat supposed to mean??
haha asha is not that innocent as she looks hoho

yupyup..massu chou kawaii!!!

kumak0 said...

glad dat someone has realize dat his moobies r TOO HUGE TO BARE
but ryuji chan
u shLd b happY daT thOse mOobIes r 4 ur eyes onLy...rite~~

deebone said...

i'm over the moon thrilled XP