Thursday, October 12, 2006

daite senorita part 2


adie desu~
reporting after the visit to the old folks home~
they were so happy that we came and spent time there..
some even shed some tears when we're leaving..
i feel sorry for them,not having the attention and love that they're deserved..
dakara minna~please cherish ur parents and NEVER EVER send them away...

and the daite senorita performance??
yes.we SUCKS.
everything went wrong
it's worst than the practise
but then again,WHO CARES.
so what if our timings was off,
our movements weren't synchronized,
we had FUN
they had FUN i hope
and that is all that matters,deshou^_^

my current to figuramalaya With THAT as the background,it doesn't help one bit in preventing myopia watsoever

this one just cracks me up lol...

the almost nakedbuff Pi with skinny Koki..LOL

*credit to yamaperfection*

did u notice the 'NEWS yamashita'-part at the top??not just yamashita,and certainly not GYM yamashita.that make me super ureshiii^_^


i need some sleep now..matta ashita^_^


Anonymous said...

haahaha...our performnce is not perfect yes...but most important thing is...yatta we had fun...!!!*high five to us*

LMAO at the pics too...also the one with contipated koki...hhehehe.
his hair is soooooo hillarious...demo ne his real current hair is akhhhhhh to die for!!!!!

me dying ............ =D

Anonymous said...

hah i love figura's LJ...chou funny....!!!!thanks for linking ~~^o^

Anonymous said...

owh chotto....the hair refers to yamapi not koki....!!!!!!

deebone said...

kakkoi,na yamapi^_^